Summer Bank Holiday

Publié le par Laetitia

Lundi 25 Aout etait ferie ici, c'est le Summer Bank Holiday qui n'a de Summer que le nom car il a quand meme fait super moche (mais au moins il a pas plu, c'est deja ca).

Les jours feries ici ne sont pas fixes et celui la a donc lieu le dernier lundi d'Aout et correspond au weekend du Carnaval de notting Hill.
Comme je ne pouvais pas rater cela, je me suis levee a 8h30 et suis partie armee de mon appareil photo et de mes baskets. Personne ne voulait venir avec moi aujourd'hui donc ben j'y suis allee toute seule !

C'est une ambiance geniale, musique caraibenne, odeur de barbecue, mais grille, fumee et bien sur comme on est en Angleterre, biere chaude a gogo...

Comme je n'ai pas reussi a choisir les photos a mettre dans l'article, j'ai cree un album complet.

Poulet grille, maïs, steel band, ...

Notting Hill in West London may seem a long way from the Caribbean, but during the final weekend of August, its streets erupt with the supercharged noise and colour of carnival with crowds in excess of 1 million. Second only to Rio in its scope, the Notting Hill Carnival has grown since 1964 from a minor celebration to become the biggest street carnival in Europe. Along the 5km- (3 miles) route, flamboyantly dressed participants dance their way to the music of steel bands, reggae and the many licensed static sound systems along the way playing a mix of jazz, soul, hip-hop, funk and drum and bass music. The carnival is organised into four disciplines: costume masquerade, steel band, calypso and SOCA (Sounds of Caribbean and Africa, a distinctive fusion of musical styles). In recent years, the Carnival has developed beyond merely Caribbean traditions to include those of other countries in the Latin and developing world. The Bank Holiday Sunday is traditionally reserved as Children's Day with the emphasis on family and young festivalgoers. Bands and performers that appear on this day are all under 21 years old and sites around the Carnival are reserved just for activities aimed at the younger generation.

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